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Category Archives: Random

For some reason, I’m feeling the need to create with food this holiday. I reached back into our childhood for this craft. And there is fiber involved – every piece of candy is tied on with a piece of yarn.

Candy Wreath

Edible Decor!

“Food for thought is no substitute for the real thing.” – Walt Kelly

I’m taking a short break from crafting after finishing the alpaca shawl last week. I have warp cut of some kettle-dyed Araucania knitting cotton I found half-price at Tuesday Morning, but it has to wait.

November is National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month

30 Days, 50,000 words

Trying to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I’m at 26,000 and counting.

“Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.” – Don Delillo

I found my first yarn bomb last night whilst out walking a dog. At least I think it is a yarn bomb, but I haven’t yet found an artist who is claiming it online.

Urban Yarn Graffiti in Boulder, Colorado

I rushed out this morning to get a picture and someone has already begun unraveling it. If you want to learn more about this urban yarn graffitti, check out:
The Lady’s Fancywork Society
Yarnbombing on Facebook
Or follow on Twitter by searching for “yarnbombing

Like modern art, I kind of get it and kind of don’t. I’m just too fond of my yarn stash at this point to give it away as a form of public art!

“The strangeness will wear off and I think we will discover the deeper meanings in modern art.” – Jackson Pollock